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Vb instant messenger source code

Vb instant messenger source code

Download Vb instant messenger source code

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  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

What can I do to prevent this in the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Intro: How to make a simple chat program in visual basic using the Microsoft Winsock ControlIn this instuctable i will show you how to make a simple chat program in visual basic.

i will go over what all the code does so you . Step 3: Renaming and other property changeswe are now going to be changing the captions(what is says in the command buttons)1. click command12. look on the right side in the properties and find Caption3. . In this instuctable i will show you how to make a simple chat program in visual basic. i will go over what all the code does so you will be learning as you make it, and at the end i will show you how to use it. This program will let you exchange messages between two people on your same network.

It may work if your not on the same network but i can't test it now.You should have Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, that is what i am using.Basic programing knowledge is recommendedLets get started!!!open visual basic and create a Standard EXE Hi, i am coding in VB2008, it worked so far but this part doesn't work @ all for me :

sckMain.state <> sckClose

sckMain.accept requestid

Please e-mail me with a solution asap as i really like this proggy u made!

vb instant messenger source code
Dim proCedure As String
proCedure = txtLog.Text & "Connected to: " & sckMain.RemoteHostIP & vbCrLf
proCedure = txtLog.Text
you will need to fix the lines, but this is what I have.


Well guys You cannot connect to another computer through WAN until you port forward it and insert the correct IP.

You can use HAMACHI also but it will require the other person to use hamachi too.

Okay now see my tutorial:

You need to host the main IP on ur net or it should be a VPS in which u open a port or you port forward the port the chat will listen to.

After port forward keep the VPS/PC/OS on and make sure you dont have dynamic ip that changes each hour, now the chat server will be active and people can join the chat room with your IPv4 Online IP, type ipconfig in cmd.exe or just and you are done.

Add the port you forwarded in the box then click Connect.

and the IP of the host.




I haven't been on here for a while, so sorry i haven't gotten a chance to reply to a lot of you asking questions or having problems, the way i wrote this chat program i believe it only works with the older vb 6.0 the newer versions do not have the winsock control module, i am not sure how to use it either, i know its possible though I tried your code and it works fine so thank you for it.

I want to perform following task in your program :-
1)Group chat
2)Add smilies
3)Sending files

Please note that i don't want to make more changes

I use richtextbox in my program.

I request you to upload pdf to perform above task For the send command we get wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction,n for other commands v get a runtime error-424 object required.and no 2 forms appear here;pls help me in this. iMBETA is an instant messenger program created in VB 2005.

NO 3rd party SDK/API/DLL's were used! it has some grate features and comes with its own server so you can setup your own instant messaging network. source code will also be availble when its released and if you are interested & want to know when its available please email me at sorry about the video quality i cant find a good screencapture software. � Code/Articles� Newest� Browse categories� Search� -� Upload code / articles� Open letter from moderators� -� Articles & tutorials� Recommended reading� Top Code� Coding contest� Coding contest leader board� Coding contest 'All-Time Hall of Fame'� -� Code of the day newsletter� Community� Ask a pro discussion forum� Code of the day newsletter� Open letter from moderators� Other� My profile� How to link to us� Awards/Reviews/Raves!� Advertising/Media kit� Feedback� About the site� Goto�� Visual Basic home� Site home VB6 Instant MessengerEmailSubmitted on:1/22/2015 9:56:00 AMBy:Karim Bardai (from psc cd)Level:IntermediateUser Rating:By 12 UsersCompatibility:VB 6.0Views:2351An instant messenger similar to the style of AOL Instant Messenger.After going through this tutorial: and coming across an ICQ Type instant messenger coded by Evan Sims (, I decided to build an AOL type instant messenger program in VB6.[INFO]Currently, there isn't a way for users to register a username/password, so If you want to test it out, you have to create a user in IMDB.mdb under the USERS table.After adding some users, you can test out the program by launching the server.exe and running 2 of the client.exe's.

Enter the username/password, add the buddy to your buddy list, and start chatting :)If you want users over the internet to be able to use this program, change the RemoteHost IP address in Client.vbp to the IP where the server is running.[ERRORS]Currently, There are 2 known errors.1.

When adding a buddy to buddy list and you receive a message.2. When deleting a buddy from buddy list and you receive a message.This is due to the fact that the popupbox is modal, I just haven't gotten around to fixing it.Also, Make sure you close your clients before you close your server, otherwise, you'll have to go in Manually and delete all entries from the ONLINE table.[DEFINITIONS and SPELLCHECK]I've always wanted a Instant Messenger that incorporated that!

So I did it myself :)But, for it to work for you, you'll have to get the Definitions database, which is a hefty 37MB in size!Post a message here if you would like the database, I'll see what i can do.

You should receive an error if you try to Define or Spellcheck a word without the database, duh! :PThat should sum it up, I would appreciate your comments and suggestions, and post any questions you have as well.ThanksDownload codeNote: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time.

Afterdownloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.Virus note:All files are scanned once-a-day by Planet Source Code for viruses, but new viruses comeout every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.

For your own safety, please:� Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.� NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's.ocx's.dll's etc.)-only run source code.� Scan the source code with Minnow's Project ScannerIf you don't have a virus scanner, you can get one at many places on the netincluding: Report Bad Submission Use this form to tell us if this entry should be deleted (i.e containsno code, is a virus, etc.).This submission should be removed because:Your VoteWhat do you think of this code (in theIntermediate category)?(The code with your highest vote will win this month's coding contest!)Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor( See voting log .)Other User Comments There are no comments on this submission.Add Your Feedback Your feedback will be posted below and an email sent tothe author.

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The purpose of this article is to explain how to use TCP/IP Sockets and the My.Settings class included in .NET framework 2.0 and later. The good thing about this application is, the server and the client are not two separate applications. This form acts as both the Server and the Client. Before You StartInstead of creating my own file transfer functionality, I stumbled upon the UnoLibs.Net.dll. The beauty of this class is that all the work is done for you.

Later in the article, I will explain how to put this code into practice.To obtain a copy of this class, click here. The Application Using the Application (Rapid Chat)� To add a new IP address to the address box, double click your display picture.� Right click the "Send" button for more options.� Make sure the selected client is available by clicking the Connect button.1.

Sending Messages Using TCP/IPFirst off, we need to make some declarations: Imports System.Net.SocketsImports System.ThreadingDim Listener As New TcpListener( 65535)Dim Client As New TcpClientDim Message As String = " "You can use any socket you want. I usually choose one of the last few sockets just to be sure no other application is using them. Anything up to and including port 65535 is suitable for the job.Now we need to start the listening process.

This opens the specified socket to receive any packets of data sent to it. In the load event of the form, start the listener. Dim ListenerThread As New Thread( New ThreadStart( AddressOf Listening))ListenerThread.Start()Private Sub Listening()Listener.Start()End SubThe listener would be useless without a timer.

We need the timer to constantly update the listener to receive data. Private Sub Timer1_Tick( ByVal sender As System. Object, _ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.TickIf Listener.Pending = True ThenMessage = " "Client = Listener.AcceptTcpClient()Dim Reader As New StreamReader(Client.GetStream())While Reader.Peek > -1Message = Message + Convert.ToChar(Reader.Read()).ToStringEnd WhileRichTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.BlackRichTextBox1.Text += Message + vbCrLf' Here you can enter anything you would like' to happen when a message is received,' For instance; Play a sound, Show a message Box, A Balloon Tip etc.End SubNow to send a message to a particular client: Private Sub btnSend_Click( ByVal sender As System.

Object, _ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.ClickIf txtName.Text = " " Or cmbAddress.Text = " " Then ' Check to make sure that the user has entered' a display name, and a client IP Address' If Not, Show a Message BoxMessageBox.Show( " All Fields must be Filled", _" Error Sending Message", _MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.

Error)Else TryClient = New TcpClient(cmbAddress.Text, 65535)' Declare the Client as an IP Address.' Must be in the Correct form. eg. Writer As New StreamWriter(Client.GetStream())Writer.Write(txtName.Text & " Says: " & txtmessage.Text)Writer.Flush()' Write the Message in the streamRichTextBox1.Text += (txtName.Text & " Says: " & txtmessage.Text) + vbCrLftxtmessage.Text = " " Catch ex As ExceptionConsole.WriteLine(ex)Dim Errorresult As String = ex.MessageMessageBox.Show(Errorresult & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _" Please Review Client Address", _" Error Sending Message", _MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon�� VBForums� Visual Basic� Network Programming� Making an Instant Messenger?�If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking thelink above.

You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Hi. I would like to create an application that acts as an instant messenger without the use of other Instant messengers.

So pretty much I want to build an application that sends and receives messages sent from the same application to the same application but on another computer.

Would I use sockets? I am really confused because this is my first time using network programming. Any help or links would be appreciated! Thanks! "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein, born on March 14th 1879.Can't find it here on VBForums? Go to the CodeProject. MSDN is your friend. I have such a bad website, my friend decided it would be funny to change the template and he moderates the site for me: visit my site!"Thinking of you, wherever you areWe pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.Now I will step forward to realize this wish.And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hardOr maybe it has already begun.There are many worlds, but they share the same skyone sky, one destiny." "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein, born on March 14th 1879.Can't find it here on VBForums?

Go to the CodeProject. MSDN is your friend. I have such a bad website, my friend decided it would be funny to change the template and he moderates the site for me: visit my site!"Thinking of you, wherever you areWe pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.Now I will step forward to realize this wish.And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hardOr maybe it has already begun.There are many worlds, but they share the same skyone sky, one destiny." "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein, born on March 14th 1879.Can't find it here on VBForums?

Go to the CodeProject. MSDN is your friend. I have such a bad website, my friend decided it would be funny to change the template and he moderates the site for me: visit my site!"Thinking of you, wherever you areWe pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.Now I will step forward to realize this wish.And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hardOr maybe it has already begun.There are many worlds, but they share the same skyone sky, one destiny." how hard can it be just get a textbox/richtextbox to send the text so someone's ip.and it the gets opened with an windows message boxHard enough that you can't provide a relative example or a glimpse of help.The idea of a mesnger is that the two people on either end don't know each others IP (and really.

shouldn't). The client systems should pass that information to the server and it should handle all of the relaying. In a tru IM program, both computers are clients that subscribe into a server. This will give you both an async state and also anonymity (real word, right?). FOr an intranet, this is an easy project, but when you add in proxies and seperate domains. It's a whole new game.

Sockets are still the solution, but there's a whole new dynamic to it. If your problem is with the latter, I can't help you. It's beyond me right now. If everything is on an intranet, let me know where you're at and what you need.

I have source code for both the client and server (in .net) and can get you going real quick. One word, framework.More words, strict OOP dependency.The way you do it in VB6 can work (with many pointless hours of hooking the same APIs).

In .Net, there's basically. A bunch of objects you literally confgure and handle their events. There's no real nitty gritty involved. Ahh, ok i see . yeah im a sucker for making it harder . lol . hence i still use Asp . and not asp.netthough winsock in vb6 is pretty simple .Actually, that's good. ASP.Net is soo easy and simplistic that people forget about the ASP part. Having an ASP background is clutch when it comes to ASp.Net. Guys.could you help me in this thread?

I'm the one with the big code.i should have put it in a zip file.oh well whats done is done.just read my posts.something is wrong with either the client or server: starting on post 13. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein, born on March 14th 1879.Can't find it here on VBForums? Go to the CodeProject. MSDN is your friend. I have such a bad website, my friend decided it would be funny to change the template and he moderates the site for me: visit my site!"Thinking of you, wherever you areWe pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.Now I will step forward to realize this wish.And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hard�� VBForums� VBForums CodeBank� CodeBank - Visual Basic 6 and earlier� VB - Instant Message Client/Server�If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking thelink above.

You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. I've been busy working an instant messanger client/server. It currently has these features:- Minimize to taskbar- Change password remotly- Bold text- Picture smilies- User info- Auto scroll in IM- IM notifacation- Ability to check to see if someone is online/offline- Add/remove buddys on buddy list- Fixed that stupid options bug- Added registration (only 1 per IP)- Auto update- Version PageI've spend more than 25+ hours on this, I'm calling it NewAge or RSIMP (Real Simple Instant Messanger Protocol)With this you can do basic messaging to other people on the same server.Ok lets see if VBforums will let me attach.It did ^^Let me know what you think .Post if theres any files missing.

even though there shouldn't be. Nah, MSN is still better (and a bigger community). But, I am working on a paper on how this works if anyone is intrested. I'm even thinking of making one for LAN's. And one like xfire. Glad people are intrested . Just had a look at it . Blist(i) = should be Blst(i) = .This is actualy a mediocar proggy, But also the newage style of doing Chat's and IM's is Serverless.k1ll3rdr4g0n : if you want some help to clean it up a little let me know.

But i do like how you handle the smilies.Gremmy. Articles VB6 : Break the 2G limit - Animation 1, 2 VB.NET : 2005/8 : Moving & sizing ImagesAnimation 123User ControlsProjects & Code snips: VB6 Hex Edit, IP Chat, Copy Prot., Crop, Zoom, moving images : .NET IP Chat (V4), Adv.

ContextMenus, click Hotspot, Scroll ControlsOther Projects : Direct Physics - Inter Wise ProxyFind me in VB6., VB.NETWriting Articles, My Genealogy, wiccca Forum____________________________________________ k1ll3rdr4g0n,Great idea for a program!

I downloaded both zip files, and tried to open them using vb 2010 express edition. I cant find the Project file. How do i make it an .exe?you can email me at Email Address Removed By Modthanks,Paskeezy k1ll3rdr4g0n,Great idea for a program! I downloaded both zip files, and tried to open them using vb 2010 express edition.

I cant find the Project file. How do i make it an .exe?thanks,PaskeezyYou can't open that with vb2010 correctly! You need vb6.0 in-order to correctly open and read the code and convert it to an *.exe file. If you want I will compile the .exe for you then send it to you?Edit:Also, it is a bad idea to post your email address since bots scan the forums and could get a hold of your email address. when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.Please consider giving me some rep points if I help you a lot.Please rate my post if you find it helpful!Technology is a dangerous thing in the hands of an idiot!

I am that idiot. Paskeezy: Welcome to the forums.I have edited your post and removed your email address.You should never post your email address in an open post on an open forum. Mail spam bots can pick that up and before you know it, your mailbox is full of junk mail. If you wish to share your email address with other forum members, please do so via our PM system.But even more importantly than that, we prefer all answers to questions be publically posted rather than sent via EMail or PM.

That way, everyone with a similar problem can benefit.Thanks. Please use [Code] your code goes in here [/Code] tags when posting code.When you have received an answer to your question, please mark it as resolved using the Thread Tools menu.Before posting your question, did you look here?Got a question on Linux?

Visit our Linux sister site.I dont answer coding questions via PM or EMail. Please post a thread in the appropriate forum section.Creating A Wizard In VB.NETPaging A RecordsetWhat is wrong with using On Error Resume NextGood Article: Language Enhancements In Visual Basic 2010Upgrading VB6 Code To VB.NETMicrosoft MVP 2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/Defrocked Nightwalker83 - i forgot to add that id like the exe for both client and the server version of the program if possible.Thank YouPaskeezySure!

I will pm you with the download link when I have complied the programs. when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.Please consider giving me some rep points if I help you � Submit Code� ASP, HTML and XML� Database� Dates and Math� Files and Directories� Forms and Controls� Lists, Collections and Arrays� Miscellaneous� Multimedia / Games� Network / Internet� Office/VBA� Registry� Screen / Graphics� String Manipulation� System API� VB.NET / ASP.NET� Windows 2000/XP Office Messenger is an email-messaging program designed like Outlook 2000; it allows multiple users to interact using instant messaging and online/offline status's.

The Server application connects to a Microsoft Access Database, and uses ADO and DAO components, to create/delete tables on the fly whenever a new user was registered. Each table maintains all individuals messages and enabled users to delete each record or batched. Controlled features allowed creating new database fields, adding new records, dropping record values into other fields, creating new tables, compress and repair the database, verify username and password against the database for additional security.

These tasks are activated in the User Interface remotely via Internet access or LAN.Key Features:� Open Source Code to Compress a Access Table.� Create Multi User environments with Winsock Controls.� Authenticate a single user against a record set in a Access Table.� Broadcast online user lists to other users connected via Tree View Control.� Create/Delete separate Tables for new users vb instant messenger source code the fly.� Download and Export messages to a C.S.V format� Create New Records (when new message has been sent)� Delete a batch of Records (Rubbish Bin)� Modify or transfer Record item to another Field (Drag Drop)� Add/Delete Fields.� Sends Email through to server application.Instructions: Click the link below to download the code.

Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents.Download

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